Residential Dome Designs

DOME MAGAZINE:  Spring 1991, Vol. 3 | No. 4

Why would you ever opt to consider such a radical design for a home?

This question has been asked on many occasions since I first entered the area of spherical housing in 1975. I must admit that I was originally a longtime fan of Buckminster Fuller, but the energy crunch was on in the mid-seventies, and this looked like a viable answer to the, then, high costs and projected higher costs of home heating and cooling.

 This discourse will generally cover our experience of dome manufacturing and constructing in the vigorous climates of the Midwest and Canada, but is not limited to that area, since we have provided double-walled, super-energy efficient domes in all areas of the United States, including the southwest Texas desert (Midland) as well as Alaska.

Energy Structure, Inc. Objectives

This experience has been more than satisfying in terms of results. We were able to achieve our stated goal, which at that time was to provide less expensive housing that embodied the maximum of energy savings. That stated goal, ten years ago, is still applicable today.

First, to achieve a lower building cost by the use of standard building materials. Standard building material costs would be less because of the volume of their use  (in conventional homes). This material use, rather than unconventional and more expensive, exotic materials (plastics, metal sheets, etc.) means lower building costs. The dome concept itself uses less material because of its basic design.

Second, the use of the double-walled energy strut allowed for two six” bats of un-faced fiberglass insulation, another low-cost standard building material, maximizing the R factor to a nominal 42 at a very low cost per square foot without substantially increasing the cost of the structure. Since the ratio of dome surface area to floor space is substantially less than the grid house, the savings in energy costs have proven to be substantial.

Best of all, these past sixteen years have been a constant learning experience, an experience that was a direct result of hands-on operations. Working directly with owner-builders and building contractors, along with architects and engineers, has provided valuable information that is simply not available through conventional educational channels (books, trade schools and architectural courses, etc.).

The Need for Conservation      

We have been deeply disappointed in our government’s refusal to recognize the need for energy conservation during the past ten years – specifically, by the killing off of all the energy incentives that were available for energy saving practices at the beginning of the decade and the canceling of all alternative energy research and development programs that were in full force at that time. This, no doubt, was as a result of pressure from the oil lobby. It is doubly disappointing because that apathy toward energy conservation was passed on to the housing industry in general.

Today, and in the future, because of ever-increasing energy costs, the homeowner must pay dearly for this deliberate destruction of energy-saving options. Many of the problems that have occurred with dome systems during the past fifteen years can be directly traced to a lack of information on the basic operation of the structure itself. Trying to match conventional, rectangular grid housing practices with dome construction in many areas of design simply does not work, particularly in the areas of foundations, insulation, and dome mechanics (ventilation, heating and cooling).

The Basic Laws of Physics

It is always a disappointment to see basic laws of physics denied or ignored. We will explore the fundamentals of dome mechanics later in this article. First, let’s look at the dome structure itself. There are several designs for the geodesic dome that are available from a number of manufacturers. Generally, they are categorized into two basic systems. One is the hub and strut system, and the other is the panelized system. Let me explain.

We will try to base our observations on an objective plane and to cover some of the advantages and disadvantages of each design. All of these designs represent major advancements in the area of housing. Either type of dome system, if done well, represents major benefits to the dome homeowner.

Basic Dome Systems

The hub and strut system consists of dimension lumber (2 x 6) with connecting hardware attached to the struts. The struts are connected to metal  hubs and can be assembled with a 1/2” socket and a 3/8” ratchet. The exterior skin, usually CDX plywood, is nailed to the struts after the framework is in place. This is the relatively easy part of the dome building schedule, as the average 1200-square-foot dome shell can be erected in less than a day with three or four semiskilled workers. The exterior panels are precut and can be nailed in place in another two days. There is no heavy lifting, as the parts are light enough for one person to lift in place. All parts are color coded for easy identification.

The panelized system consists of triangular panels that are factory manufactured using 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 framing members with the exterior plywood in place. The insulation factor is controlled by the thickness of the strut wall. So in the panel system, the insulation is limited to 3 1/2” with the 2 x 4 framework and 5 1/2” with the 2 x 6 framework. In certain areas of the country, these wall thicknesses provide adequate insulation factors. Since the panels are assembled in the factory, it is usually necessary to have a crane available to lift the panels in place. The dome shell can be erected in two or three days or less.

Dome Strength

Let’s look at the structural strength of the geodesic dome. Manufacturers of both hub and strut, and panelized systems, by and large, have done the testing and engineering necessary to determine the ultimate loads that their particular design will sustain. These test results prove, without exception, that the geodesic dome structure far exceeds the capabilities of conventional housing to withstand snow loads, wind loads and particularly, seismatic stresses. But who considers buying a home because it is strong and safe? Probably not many, unless they live in the path of a hurricane or over an earthquake-causing fault. Sadly, the housing industry, in general, is only interested in minimum safety standards.

The geodesic dome consists of triangles, the strongest of all geometric building forms. When incorporated into the sphere, the structure becomes far stronger and safer than conventional housing. If you believe that earthquakes do not cause deaths but that buildings do, you must consider dome system homes.  So much for design strength.

What Makes Domes Tick

Let’s examine some of the features that make domes tick. While it is true that a dome functions environmentally well because it has natural circulation due to its openness, it is also true that this natural circulation feature does not play the best under actual living conditions.

When warm air is introduced at the lower level of the dome, the natural law of convection comes into play. Warm air rises. In practice, the actual living conditions of a dome, what happens? If nothing is done with that warmed air at the dome top, the upper rooms of the dome become uncomfortably warm. If nothing is done to relieve this situation, the extra BTUs from the collected warmed air at the dome top are bled out through the wall/roof and are lost through a second law of applied physics, that of conduction. When enough BTUs are lost to cool the air, natural circulation comes into play, and the cooled air is returned to the lower levels, again by the laws of convection. It must then follow that the natural air circulation has two drawbacks.

First, the upper levels are uncomfortably warm compared to the lower levels. Second, the extra BTUs that have collected at the dome top are conducted out through the wall/ceiling and are lost, and no benefit is obtained from them.

Correcting the Problem

How do you correct this problem? We propose and recommend a forced-air heating system.

The system should be designed with the total return air to the furnace being taken from the upper regions of the dome. We call it the “dome-top heat recovery system,” and such a return air duct is designed into all of our dome plans.

The force-air system has several ancillary benefits. First, by moving the air around, odors that occur in the home are quickly dispersed, and, second, it makes possible the conditioning (filtering and controlling the humidity) of that air.

The use of a high return air system flies in the face of conventional heating systems installed in grid construction today, where many codes still require return air ducts in each room at floor level.

The floor level return air duct is a throwback to the old gravity furnaces that were in place before the advent of the forced-air furnace. Those were the days when fuel was cheap and energy lost to natural circulation meant little.

Some domes have used “Casablanca” paddle type fans to try to bring the extra heated air to the lower level. They have been only partially successful because they cause a disturbing turbulence in the internal air of the house, and they are not 100 percent efficient.

Double wall riser retouched

The Double-walled Dome

Energy Structures was the first dome company to begin manufacturing the double-walled energy strut in 1980. The energy strut is described as an exterior cord-bearing truss. We attach the interior, 2 x 4 strut with double 1/2” plywood gussets to the exterior 2 x 6, which is the structural member of the truss.

The double wall is 14 1/2” thick. The purpose is to provide a space for 12” of insulation and a 1 1/2” air space. We selected a 12” insulation factor because the calculations indicated that this wall thickness was the most cost-effective system we could use at this time. It is easily possible to increase the wall thickness to any desired thickness, but the addition of more insulation did not decrease the heat loss through the walls of the truss enough to warrant the additional cost. This meant that you could use two 6” bats of un-faced fiberglass, a relatively inexpensive product because of its overwhelming use in the housing industry. The purpose of the poly is to keep moisture that occurs inside the building from entering the wall cavity. The problem is that it is almost impossible to make this interior plastic skin completely moisture tight.

To make certain that no moisture collects in the cavity, we exclusively provide a power roof ventilator with the dome kit, that will positively remove any accumulated moisture from the cavity. Our original domes were equipped with turbine ventilators and/or ventilation cupolas mounted in the dome top, but we found that there were times when the wind did not blow for long periods of time, and a moisture buildup could occur. This situation has been observed in cathedral-type ceilings in conventional housing.

 We provide air openings to the cavity at the bottom of the dome shell. Besides the opening at the hubs, we drill vent holes in the struts. We also provide spacers that hold the insulation away from the exterior dome wall, providing a free vapor trail so that any moisture that does get into the wall is expelled.

The 2-Frequency Dome

Since one of our original goals was to provide low-cost housing, we selected our 29-foot-diameter, 2-frequency dome with a 3-foot riser wall. We constructed it on a permanent wood foundation. This dome home was designed, particularly, for first-time home buyers. The original structure has a bedroom on the first floor, a 150-square-foot loft, over 5 feet in head room, plus an unfinished basement.

The object of this plan was to meet all FHA, VA and UBC building codes, which it did nicely. This assured financing, as it meets all the above required criteria. The plan produced about 850 square feet on the main floor and loft, plus another 650 square feet in the unfinished basement, or a total of 1450 square feet.

We know that this structure can be constructed by the owner/contractor for approximately $35,000, plus the lot. This dome has 14 1/2” walls, insulated with two 6” bats of un-faced fiberglass. The basement is constructed with 2 x 8 stud walls that are insulated with 2 feet of Styrofoam plus 6” of fiberglass. The design heat loss is 14,000 BTUs per hour at -20 degrees Fahrenheit at the dome top. (figures 2 & 5)

The Dome Heating & Cooling System

The following is a description of the dome heating system that is keeping this structure very comfortable.

The dome hydronic-air heating system, using a natural gas hot water heater as the primary source of heat for a forced-air system consists of the following:

  • primary unit: 85% efficiency, 38,000 BTU
  • nautilus, gas-fired water heater;
  • heat exchanger
  • stainless steel pump
  • air handler
  • Tjernland© induced draft exhaust blower (this eliminates the need for a chimney).

The primary purpose of this system was to provide heat for the dome as well as an ample supply of domestic hot water. It also meant the purchase of only one heating unit.

Since 1984, new high-efficiency water heaters have been developed that vent directly through the wall and does not require a chimney or a power vent. A direct-fired furnace would have been more efficient, but a high-efficiency furnace of that small size was not available. In this system, when the thermostat calls for heat, it starts the fan in the air handler and the circulating pump and hot water is pumped through the heat exchanger from the main hot water heater. The warmed air is then directed through the heating ducts.

A programmable setback thermostat is used to lower temperatures at night and when the dome is unoccupied.The system also includes an air-conditioning unit. We found that we needed air-conditioning after the first year. Heat from the sun, and the utilities, made air-conditioning a necessity. The cooling unit is a relatively small 12,000 BTU remote unit, with the evaporator mounted in the return air duct. The unit keeps the dome comfortable in the extremely hot summer days.

We also found that those same basic laws of physics that work so well for heating also apply to the air-conditioning mode. We  found that by introducing the cooled air at the floor level (where you live), we were able to keep the thermostat a few degrees warmer than when the cooled air was introduced at the dome top. Thus, because you were closest to the evaporator and could make more efficient use of the chilled air before it started to be warmed by the heating elements in the room (appliances, sun gain, body heat, etc.)

Solar Aide

This heating system is aided by two active plate solar collectors. The collectors are triangular in shape, about six feet on each side, and are mounted on the dome roof, facing south. The transfer liquid is 50 percent distilled water and 50 percent Prestone anti-freeze.

The solar system preheats the water and stores it in the 30 gallon storage tank. When a tap is opened, the water is drawn from the storage tank into the main heater. The incoming water is rarely at a nominal ground temperature of 50 degrees. The two pumps, one in the collector circuit and one in the heat exchanger circuit, are controlled by the differential thermostat, with the sensor mounted in the collector. When the collector temperature reaches 15 degrees above the temperature in the storage tank, the thermostat starts pumps 1 and 2 and pumps heated water into the storage tank.

Since installing the heating system in 1984, the results have been nothing short of phenomenal. The average natural gas bill, including the taxes on gas consumption, as well as the minimum charges that are there during the summer months for the past six years, has been $18.50 per month. This included all gas energy used in the home for the laundry, dryer, cooking, heating water for domestic use, as well as home heating. That’s $222.00 per year!

The Dome Experience

We realize that the world we live in is changing at an incredible rate. And yet, we are only seeing moderate changes in housing design, designs that have changed little in the past centuries.

We believe, with a passion, that the goals we strived for, more than ten years ago, are more important today than ever. We also believe that there is much more to be learned to give this structure its rightful place in the housing market.

Living in a dome home is an experience in itself–especially a super insulated structure. Normal exterior sounds, such as wind, dogs barking, automobiles and other noises are almost completely muffled. It’s really satisfying to look out and see snow flying and the trees bending in the wind, and not hear the sound–something like watching your TV with the audio off. Interior sounds are also very different and exciting. Sound waves are bounced around from the multitude of facets formed by the dome triangles and stereo becomes a fantastic experience.

A low-cost home with low utility bills each month was our goal twenty five years ago. Reaching this goal has been gratifying.

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